👋Hello, I'm 江彪 (Biao Jiang)

I am a second-year Master's student in Artificial Intelligence at Fudan UniversityFudan University with my graduation anticipated in June 2025, advised by Prof.
Tao Chen
. Before this, I obtained my Bachelor's degree from Sun Yat-sen UniversitySYSU.
Currently, I am interning at Tencent as an intern researcher, where I am also fortunate to collaborate closely with Dr.
Gang Yu
, Dr.
Wen Liu
, Dr.
Xin Chen
, and Dr.
Chi Zhang
📣 I am actively looking for researcher / Ph.D. opportunities. Please check out my
Biao Jiang
Biao Jiang


  • Paper MotionChain got accepted by ECCV 2024
  • Paper MotionGPT got accepted by NeurIPS 2023
  • Paper Motion-latent-diffusion got accepted by CVPR 2023


  • ✦ AIGC
  • ✦ Computer Vision
  • ✦ Machine Learning

Featured Work

View all

MotionGPT: Human Motion as a Foreign Language
Biao Jiang
Xin Chen
Wen Liu
Jingyi Yu
Gang Yu
Tao Chen
MotionChain: Conversational Motion Controllers via Multimodal Prompts
Biao Jiang
Xin Chen
Chi Zhang
Fukun Yin
Zhuoyuan Li
Gang Yu
Jiayuan Fan
Executing your Commands via Motion Diffusion in Latent Space
Xin Chen
Biao Jiang
Wen Liu
Zilong Huang
Bin Fu
Tao Chen
Gang Yu
ShapeGPT: 3D Shape Generation with A Unified Multi-modal Language Model
Fukun Yin
Xin Chen
Chi Zhang
Biao Jiang
Zibo Zhao
Jiayuan Fan
Gang Yu
Tao Chen

Selected Honors

  • National Scholarship
    Graduate Student2023
  • Fudan Outstanding Student Scholarship
    Graduate Student2022

My Journey


2023.04 - Present

Intern Researcher


Advised by Dr. Gang Yu. Research on AIGC based on large models.


2023.04 - 2024.06

Intern Researcher


Advised by Dr. Gang Yu, Xin Chen. Research on human motion generation via language/diffusion models, which resulted in papers accepted by CVPR 2023, NeurIPS 2023, and ECCV 2024.

Fudan University

2022.09 - Present

Master Student

Fudan University

M.S. in Electronic Information. Advised by Prof. Tao Chen. Pursue a master's degree in electronic information, focusing on computer vision and machine learning.

Sun Yat-sen University

2018.09 - 2022.06

Bachelor Student

Sun Yat-sen University

GPA: 3.8/4.0 B.S. in Electronic Information Science and Technology. Key courses: Information Theory and Coding, Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, and others.